Monday, September 21, 2009

The Family Jewels

Apparently my family is totally against the idea of me having artificial insemination. I was told by one member that even an awful father was better than no father... I was told by my mother that even if I re-marry and the man takes on the father role to the child that that won't matter because the child won't legally be his... Ugh.
They seem to miss the point entirely. First, there is a time limit to things and secondly, I’m not about to miss out on becoming a parent because the timing of my life doesn’t meet their approval. I feel like this is beyond concern and just down right unsupportive of them, and furthermore, I feel a bit betrayed by my family now.
Yes I do think an ideal situation involves two dedicated and loving parents and that children need role models of both sexes but I do NOT believe that a BAD parent is better than none, simply because of their wanker. I mean, when all is said and done folks, it IS just a penis... the PARENTING is what matters- whether it be from a single mom, happily married dad, friends and family, foster or step-parents, gays, bi's, straits, black white, magenta... it's putting their needs first. Doing whatever you can for the child no matter how ideal or lackluster your situation. It's about being supportive, kind, involved, nurturing, consistent, understanding and it's about unconditional love that inspires you to be all of those things even when you're out of coffee, going on no sleep, with a newborn whom has a stomach ache.
I am prepared for people to have their own opinions, as I do have my own, and realize that occasionally ALL opinions differ or clash... perhaps, just maybe, I hope someone else will find my blog and agree that just because I'm not "coloring inside the lines" doesn't mean I, or my child, am dead in the water... Sigh.
At least I'm still smiling.

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