Thursday, April 1, 2010

No Purpose

As a writer, what do you write about when you've simply got too much on your mind to think strait? Lol. This is the second day in which I've attempted a new post here, and begun with no sincere beginning.

There seems to be about a million thoughts running through my head. Some addressing immediate events, others to address over the next several months... others are looming around the "two years from now" mark, as they pertain to my impending graduation, etc... And other thoughts yet are just... looming…

My day started off beautifully- I packed my bag to go out of town for the weekend, I stopped by my favorite local coffee shop that is reminiscent of the old Cheers television program where "everybody knows my name." The baristas and I engaged in a brief but cheerful bit of conversation and I was out the door to the parking lot which was filled with the sweet smells of spring and warmth of the morning dawn.

I arrived at work and caught up on everything that needed addressing... I checked my Facebook, I visited my online bank account and balanced my checkbook as I do religiously... and then I started to try and think of what to write today. And I couldn’t think of anything interesting enough to post! Lol.

Then I starting reflecting further, as is most always the case with me, lol, and it hit me. Sometimes we just have to do things because we love doing them. Sometimes it’s just about the act of having no purpose, resolution or closure, but “doing” just to “do.”

I love writing, so today, I apologize for being boring, but I don’t apologize for having no structured purpose to this post. Today I wrote just to write about nothing and I have to say it feels great to not have measured myself merely by my achievements so much as my journey.

1 comment:

  1. A), you and boring do not belong in the same sentence.
    B) This could be just me, but let the words flow. Don't try to force yourself to write something. What is genuine is always going to be your best work.
